Australia Awards Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions

SCAM ALERT - Beware of fake Australia Awards Scholarships websites being shared on social media accounts

There have been reports of fake websites offering scholarships and visas to international students. Please be advised that Australia Awards Scholarships does not engage any agents or individuals to process scholarship applications. Application must be completed and submitted through the Online Australia Awards Scholarships Information System:

Preparing an Application

How do I certify my academic documents?

You must provide certified copies of your prior academic certificates and transcripts as part of your scholarship application. Copies of your academic certificates and transcripts must be certified by a PNG Commissioner of Oath.

  • You must ask the Commissioner of Oath to sign, stamp and date your copies.
  • The date of the certification must be 1 January 2021 or later.
  • Commissioner of Oath stamping can be requested at the courthouse and from registered lawyers. Typically there is no fee for this service.


Please note: copies of academic certificates and transcripts submitted without Commissioner of Oath certification cannot be assessed as part of your application and your application will be non-compliant.

Are my course preferences important?

You must nominate two course preferences on your scholarship application. Your two course preferences are very important, because:

  • your suitability for the scholarship will be assessed based on your application responses about your nominated two courses
  • the selection panel are interested in understanding what you want to study and why you chose that topic
  • course changes will not be possible after you submit your scholarship application, so you must be confident that the two course preferences you nominate on your application are the appropriate choices. You are responsible for fully researching and investigating course options prior to submitting your application.


Remember to check that you meet the institution’s entry requirements for the courses you nominate.

When I nominate two course preferences, do I get to study both courses?

If you are successful, you will only study one course preference. Australia Awards will attempt to enrol you in your first course preference. If the institution is not able to accept your enrolment, then Australia Awards will attempt to enrol you in your second course preference. The second course preference is a back-up option.

What course information do I need to provide on my application?

You need to ensure the course name, institution name and CRICOS reference code for your two course preferences are recorded on your application.

What is a reintegration plan?

The reintegration plans outlines how you will apply the knowledge and skills you will acquire in Australia towards the development of PNG. You must be able to demonstrate understanding of development needs in your sector, organisation, community or PNG and identify how your new qualification will contribute towards these needs. Your reintegration plan will help the selection panel assess your potential to contribute to and lead development in PNG on your return from Australia. In preparing for your reintegration plan, you should consult the PNG Medium Term Development Plan III (available at http:// You can download the template for the reintegration plan at .

Can I apply for an Australia Awards Scholarship to study a second masters?

Yes, if you obtained your masters degree from a PNG institution. However, the proposed second masters must be in a different field or area of specialisation.

No, if you obtained your masters from an institution overseas. This is to provide equal opportunity for all PNG citizens to study overseas.

How do I find courses and CRICOS codes?

CRICOS stands for Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. We recommend you first visit the CRICOS website:

  • type into your internet browser
  • click on Course Search
  • adjust the search criteria to explore available courses. For example, type your topic into the Course Name field, or search for a particular field of study
  • the search will provide a list of courses that meet your search criteria
  • click on one of the course options
  • it will display the Institution Name, Course Name, CRICOS Course Code, and other information
  • write down the courses you are interested in.

Once you have a list of courses that meet your knowledge and skill development needs, consider speaking to people in your network—explore what they know about the courses and institutions you are considering.


If you have questions about the course, email the institution directly and ask questions. Remember to allow sufficient time for the institution to respond.

Do I need an offer letter from the university?

No, you do not need an offer letter for your scholarship application. Australia Awards will help you enrol in the institution if you are successful in being awarded the scholarship.

Do I need an English test result for my application?

No, this is not a mandatory question. If you do not have an English test result, select ‘None’ in this section of the application.

Can I apply now and send the required support documents for my application at a later date?

In the interest of fairness for all applicants, only compliant and complete applications will be assessed. If you choose not to provide the required documents, your application will be recorded as noncompliant in the system. Only compliant applications will progress to the assessment stage.

I am a public servant. Can I provide a Statement of Support from my supervisor, instead of following the Training Bid process?

All applicants must provide an professional referee report. Government of PNG employees must also submit an approved Training Bid Form to the Department of Personnel Management.

When will I find out if my application is successful?

Applications will be shortlisted after eligibility checking. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The selection process includes an interview. Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • academic competence
  • potential outcome, specifically the contribution to development outcomes in Papua New Guinea
  • professional and personal leadership attributes including relevant work experience.

Successful candidates will be notified by September of the year in which they applied.

On Scholarship

If my application is successful, what preparation is involved?

Successful applicants will be required to attend:

  • course counselling
  • pre-departure training
  • university’s Introductory Academic Program
  • other required preparatory study on arrival in Australia.

Who arranges my visa?

Australia Awards will support the awardee in arranging their student visa. Awardees are responsible for arranging their dependants’ visas.

Can I bring my children with me to Australia while I undertake the scholarship?

Awardees’ dependants (including spouse and children) may be able to accompany them to Australia. Awardees are responsible for arranging their dependants visas to go to Australia. Awardees must meet the requirements for their dependants, including demonstrating sufficient funds.


However, while COVID-19 border and flight restrictions continue to persist, and until confirmed otherwise by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, awardees may be required to mobilise without dependents.

If I am successful in my scholarship application and I become pregnant will my scholarship be terminated?

Pregnant applicants are encouraged to share this information with Australia Awards at their earliest opportunity, so planning can be undertaken about the best time to commence studies. Awardees will be assessed equally. Pregnant applicants will not be disadvantaged.

What assistance will be available to me during my stay in Australia?

All universities in Australia have student service centres that provide guidance and emergency support to students during their stay in Australia. The student service centres can help students in arranging accommodation, accessing family support and to meet, to the extent possible, any special needs of the students. Australian universities also have health and counselling services that are free or discounted for students, as well as a range of sporting, shopping and other facilities on campus. In addition, Australia Awards provide on-scholarship support to awardees in Australia.

Can I work part-time while studying in Australia?

Currently Australia Awards recipients are permitted to work part-time (up to 20 hours a week) under the conditions of the subclass 500 student visa. It is important you inform your Student Contact Officer to ensure it does not affect your academic progress.

Can my spouse work while accompanying me on my scholarship?

Please refer to the Australian Department of Home Affairs for information about the conditions of your dependent’s visa.

Can I apply for a scholarship if I applied in the past and I was unsuccessful?

There is no limit to how many years an applicant can apply for an Australia Awards Scholarship. Applicants are assessed based on their current application, and their past applications will not be re-assessed.

Can people with disability apply for a scholarship?

People with disability are encouraged to apply for a scholarship. People will not be disadvantaged by declaring their disability. Reasonable adjustments and accommodations will be made to remove barriers for people with disability. However, all applicants must meet the eligibility requirements for the scholarship and submit a compliant application. If you have a disability, please contact the Australia Awards office to request a copy of the Factsheet for People with Disability. This contains detailed information about support available. In addition, please refer to the Australia Awards Scholarship Policy Handbook for further information, available at