About Australia Awards PNG
Australia Awards PNG
Australia Awards Papua New Guinea (AAPNG) are designed to promote knowledge and leadership, and enduring ties between Australia and PNG. The scholarships aim to build a qualified workforce, fill critical human resource gaps, and support good leadership.
Every year, both the Governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea agree on priority sectors that will target key development areas. In PNG these include: agriculture, education, governance, health, law and justice, transport and infrastructure.
Applicants are assessed on their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in PNG.
Australia Awards Scholarships
Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders. Through study and research, awardees develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia. Visit the global Australia Awards site.
Equal Opportunity
Australia Awards are merit-based scholarships. We are committed to ensuring an equal representation of women and men and that people with disability and people living and working in rural areas are provided fair access to pursuing further studies under an Australia Award. For more information on AAPNG’s approach to inclusion and equal opportunity, see here.
Applications are strongly encouraged from women, people with disability and those from the provinces.
Find out about AAPNG study options
Australia Awards PNG Success Stories
Leading the way in education through mentorship
Nestled in the heart of East Sepik Province, Ambunti-Drekikir District is a place of incredible beauty and immense challenges. For Hillary Suamba, growing up in this community was a lesson in the power of perseverance and the importance of education. After completing...
From secondary school teacher to university lecturer
Noelynn Darius’s commitment and qualification through Australia Awards PNG have elevated her from a secondary school teacher to a university lecturer.
“I am a devoted alumna of the Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association. Being a member of this professional association has fashioned me to attain and perform in my new role as a lecturer here at the University of Goroka, as of this year. This network has been really profitable,” she claims.
From security guard to programs director
From a small hamlet in Guniba, Popondetta, Oro Province to the bustling city of Port Moresby, Christopher Usuka has proven that with hard work and perseverance, one can overcome any challenge and achieve success.
When Christopher was not selected for the high school of his choice, he came to Port Moresby to look for a paid job. He took up a short computer accounting course while working his first job as a security guard, but his passion for the creative arts eventually led him to apply for Theatre Arts courses at the University of Papua New Guinea.