Join a global network

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for international students seeking a world-class education experience – and Australia has alumni from every corner of the globe.

More than 2.5 million international students have studied in Australia over the last fifty years, including more than 11,000 Papua New Guineans. More than 80,000 alumni have received Australian Government scholarships and fellowships since the Colombo Plan in the 1950s through to the Australia Awards and the New Colombo Plan today.

Australian alumni can access a range of benefits to continue their professional development and maintain connections all over the world.

The Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) is one of the most recognised associations in the country. Established in 2006, and with more than 5000 members, the Association provides support to Papua New Guineans who have studied in Australia or with Australian Government support in PNG.

The PNGAA keeps alumni connected with each other and with Australian institutions and people.

The PNGAAA delivers professional development training and networking services to its members. It also supports local and national sustainable development efforts through grant assistance and volunteering services.

All Australia Awards alumni receive their first year of membership free, paid by the Australian Government.

Visit the PNGAA website here for more information on opportunities and benefits:

The Alumni Grant Scheme is a joint initiative of Australia Awards in Papua New Guinea and PNGAAA to support alumni to contribute to Papua New Guinea’s economic and social development and to build strong and positive relationships with Australia.  The Alumni Grant Scheme aims to assist alumni, in conjunction with their employers or community organisations, to contribute to sustainable development impacts in Papua New Guinea.

Find out more about the Alumni Grants Scheme here

Women alumni can access the Australia Awards Papua New Guinea Women Alumni Mentoring Initiative, a collaboration between Australia Awards PNG and the PNG Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA). The initiative provides support through mentorship to women alumni to build confidence and leadership capabilities and to help them increase their contributions to Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) development.

The initiative was launched in August 2020, and in its first phase had 44 women mentors and mentees from PNG’s public, private and civil society sectors participate.

The Australia Alumni Awards recognise and honour alumni of Australian educational institutions in Papua New Guinea who have made outstanding contributions to their profession, community, and country through their exemplary leadership, integrity, innovation, and hard work. Supported by the Australian High Commission in PNG the awards are distinguished honours for those who are an inspiration through their local, national, and international network and achievements.

Through the Linkages Support for Women Academics Program, Australia Awards PNG (AAPNG) is supporting PNG women academics to participate in symposiums, conferences, or workshops in Australia in their area of specialisation. This support aims to strengthen linkages between PNG and Australian universities and to enhance the quality of academic programs delivered to PNG students.

Applications for 2024 are now closed, but stay tuned for 2025 opportunities.

The AAPNG Linkage Support for PNG Women Academics is open to female academics at PNG universities or teaching or nursing colleges who meet the following criteria:

  • be a female PNG citizen and be residing in PNG;
  • are teaching and assessing students at a university level qualification (Diploma or above) at a PNG university or teaching or nursing college; or
  • are a member of a University Executive Leadership Team or Head of a teaching/learning Department/Faculty including University Library;
  • hold (or able to obtain) a PNG passport, valid for at least six months after the conference dates; and
  • provide written approval from their Head of Department and either Pro Vice Chancellor Academic or Vice Chancellor (or equivalents of thes

Alumni Stories

Clean water saving lives in Kulimbu village

Clean water saving lives in Kulimbu village

The village of Kulimbu is situated in the mountains of the Mul Baiyer District, Western Highlands Province, where the people must travel long distances to find water. The women trek difficult terrain with dirty dishes, laundry and young children in tow, to bathe and...

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More than just a small business

More than just a small business

27 June 2022 - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day recognizes the role Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play in the preservation of economies and advancement of people and planet. A struggling small business owner, Glenda Supring revived her failed...

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My Story

My Story

Told by Paulon Podomo, Diploma in Primary Teaching graduate from Sacred Heart Teachers College in 2019 This short story is my personal experience of living and teaching in a remote school since January 2020. I am 27 years old, from Marofen village in North Fly...

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